Thursday, August 6, 2009

Splendid Day in Seattle

I had a wonderful day in Seattle. After a morning jog to the banks of the Puget Sound we took the newly functioning light rail to Downtown Seattle. The plan was to visit the Pike Place Market and have lunch then pick up some food for dinner. It was a typical Seattle day, cool and hazy, not like the unusual weather of this summer which has been abnormally hot and dry.
After a sumptuous bowl of oyster stew we strolled through the market searching for dinner ingredients.

Crab cakes and a "chopped" caprese salad of heirloom tomatoes, hand spun fresh mozzarella and garden basil.

OH, and a homemade, family recipe, chocolate cake for dessert!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite place in Seattle!!!!! These are terrific pictures Deborah. I just love them all. They make me ache for the market.

    I. Am. So. Jealous.


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