Friday, August 28, 2009

What To Do With All Those Beans?

I showed some photos earlier in this blog of my garden. Months later, I am harvesting green beans, tomatoes, peppers, lettuces and herbs. I am a bit overwhelmed by beans! I love green bean salads in many forms but a favorite hot bean prep is this corn and bean duo.

Prepare the beans by rinsing and snapping into 2 inch lengths. Slice corn off the cob. Have equal amounts of each vegetable. Heat a large pot of water to boil and toss the veggies into the water and cook for 2 minutes. Drain and blanch by plunging them into water with lots of ice cubes. When cool, drain well.

Heat about 2 tablespoons of butter in a large pot and saute fresh thyme stripped from several sprigs.
Heat the corn and beans by tossing them in the pot with the herb butter. Season with salt and pepper. Enjoy!

Have a delicious weekend.


  1. Oh how I've missed your blog while I've been away. You write the coolest posts. Thank you for this one! You know I'll be trying it very soon :)

  2. I've missed you tons!!!! I can't wait to read all about your vacation.

  3. update: this was delicious!!! Yummy!!


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