Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Angela Vandenbogaard, Etsy Artist

I just received this poppy print in the mail. I ordered it from Etsy artist, Angela Vandenbogaard.
Angela's Etsy shop is Jellybeans. She has a very distinctive style that is colorful and playful.
Angela has a first-rate blog, also called Jellybeans, where she shares her art and some great recipes as well as her life in Ontario. Today is her birthday!!!

The Jellybeans site has some fabulous cards. I love these holiday cards.

Angela has fun gifts like this notebook. There are also cute mirrors for your purse, and calendars.


  1. I love her work! It's wonderful! Great post. :)

  2. i love the poppy print! this could be exactly what i've been looking for our kitchen. the colors are great. thanks


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