Monday, September 28, 2009

Hope Town House Rental

Monday was a very damp, rainy, cool day here in Michigan. I must say I was dreaming of being at my Bahamas house, baking something with coconuts. Instead, I had a dental appointment and walked the dog in the rain. I also booked some weeks at my house for rental guests. 2010 weeks are going fast so I thought I might let my readers know about Cozy Corner, my house on Elbow Cay in the Bahamas. Click here to view Cozy Corner and renting. Click here to read about Hope Town, the quaint settlement on Elbow Cay.
If you would like to inquire about renting Cozy Corner, send me an email by clicking on the "Contact Me" envelope to the left of this post.

Typical, quiet beach.
Cozy Corner, 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with pool.
Living space with stairs to the loft.
Full kitchen with dishwasher.
photos by me
Famous lighthouse and Hope Town cove.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the Bahamas, and your house is absolutely wonderful. Paradise or what?!? It makes me relax just looking at these pictures Deborah. Thanks for posting the info!


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