Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poached Pears

Poached Pears sounds like an elegant, fussy, dessert. Just the opposite. This dessert is quite simple and there are many variations and accompaniment.

These pears were poached in wine with a vanilla bean. After peeling the pears and removing the core, the pears were simmered in the liquid until soft but not mushy. The liquid was cooked and reduced until it reached a syrupy consistency. I served the pears with vanilla ice cream and some sliced almonds. Click here for the Alton Brown recipe.

Click here for a recipe that uses red wine, orange zest and spices.

Cranberry juice is a great poaching liquid as well. Mascarpone cheese, blue cheese and creme anglaise would all be great with the flavor enriched pears.
Treat yourself to this delicious fall treat.


  1. just had a similar dessert. the smaller poached pears were served in a martini glass with some of the syrup. very pretty. i like yours better cause you get the ice cream, also. it'd be hard to fit the ice cream in a martini glass....

  2. Sounds like a real pretty presentation though!

  3. Ohh, that looks so delicious! Great photo!


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