Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eliminate Unwanted Catalogs

Thanks so much for the great response to the giveaway.
If you leave a comment on this post you'll get another entry for the giveaway!
My goal is to get more comments for a more dynamic blog.
It is so helpful to get feedback from readers.

I just took a huge bag of unwanted catalogs to be recycled.
Luckily our library has a large dumpster-type container for a paper recycling fundraiser. But I hate to see paper wasted to make catalogs I don't want.

A good solution to ending the barrage of unwanted catalogs is Catalog Choice.
Click on the name Catalog Choice to be taken to the website.
Click on "Find Catalog' and record new mail preferences and click "Set Mail Preference" to provide the details. They'll contact the merchant for you. So, you may eliminate the catalog or specify that you wish to receive it only at holiday time etc.

I have noticed a decrease in the number of unwanted catalogs since I began using this free service about 6 months ago. I just entered another dozen catalogs to be eliminated. Hopefully my trips to the paper recycler will be reduced.


  1. So bad that we don't have it in Spain.
    I found a great idea for using catalogs or magazines.

  2. Oh, I saw that too. Great idea isn't it. Especially if you have a paper cutter. I don't know if I'm patient enough to cut those strips.
    By the way, that is the CUTEST photo on your blog today.

  3. Great tip! I'm going over there right now to check it out. I have our name on a 'no junk mail' list but there still are a plethora of catalogs that seem to slip by around holidays.

    Love your blog. :)

  4. Thanks so much for sharing this fantastic resource! When I pick up my mail, I cringe everyday seeing the amount of junk that will just be thrown out.

    I would like to share another great resource to help eliminate unwanted paper waste. DMAchoice is an online tool developed by the Direct Marketing Association. With it, you can request to start or STOP receiving mail from companies within each of the following categories (or the entire category, as a whole): Credit Offers, Catalogs, Magazine Offers and Other Mail Offers.

    Here is the link:

    sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. Marvelous. Maybe someday there will be a day I won't have to throw out any junk mail. Can't say my mail will all be bills because I get those on line. I will take any and all checks mailed to me however! :)

    I'll write a post about CMAchoice soon. Thanks! I just love it when people leave comments and share information.


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style