Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti Help

Dear Readers, I do not normally post on the weekend but Haiti is on all our minds.
I'm watching the news as I write this and I hear mostly sad stories but a few with hope also.

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One special reader of Spiral Style asked that I post a blog and mention a know Haitian organization.

(don't these sweet faces just break your heart, knowing they don't have a roof over their head tonight?)

Father Jean Bien-aime founded the House of the Children of the Lack in 1997 when women began to bring him their children because they were too poor to care for them themselves. Since then his orphanage has become home to twenty-three girls and four boys. He has done a truly remarkable job providing them with food, a loving and safe environment, and an education

The children survived the earthquake, but their building is gone.

The next few days and weeks will be an enormous struggle for Fr. Bien-aime to keep the children safe and alive. Wish for Haiti is ready to work to rebuild the orphanage and his vision.

There need was great before but desperate now.

Click here to see how to donate to the orphanage.

Other organizations (just a few of the many) can be accessed by clicking on the names below.

American Red Cross

Doctors Without Borders

World Vision


Thank you and have a great weekend.

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