Monday, February 22, 2010

Island Color Palette

I've escaped cold Michigan and traded it for the balmy Bahamas.

After several months of gray landscape, it is so nice to see color.
I took my camera with me on a walk...
... and took photos everywhere I went.
The result resembled a color palette.
Have a colorful week and look for beauty all around.


  1. how fun to see your beautiful surroundings. as per your suggestion, i'm trying to find beauty on this cold, WHITE, snowy wisconsin day! :)

  2. ENJOY! I think it is snowing in your neck of the woods....

  3. Beautiful colours! Hope you have a great time!

  4. Oh, you are SO lucky! We probably won't be able to travel until we retire, haha! What an absolutely beautiful spot, I hope you are having a great time!

  5. wow those last flowers are gorgeous! i need some spring time right about now!


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