Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mr Chocolate

Jacques Torres is know as Mr. Chocolate...just check his URL,
Whenever I get to New York City, I make a stop at Jacques Torres Chocolate on Hudson Street in Manhattan.  Stepping into the shop is guaranteed to overload you senses.  The smell of chocolate is heavy in the air, supplied by the hot chocolate bar where they prepare the richest hot chocolate I've ever tasted.  If you are lucky enough to be at the store on a production day, you can view chocolate being made from cocoa beans from within the glass enveloped shop.  Have a custom box of truffles assembled from the wide selection to take home with you or mailed to a friend.  

You won't be able to leave without a purchase of cookies, candies, hot chocolate mix, or if you are like me... a VERY large supply of baking chocolate.  I buy a couple of the 2 lb + 
large block of bittersweet chocolate.  You can shop on line but a trip to mecca is much more fun.


  1. That store would definitely be a dangerous spot for me to go! I am really enjoying all the chocolately things you have been posting, it is my favorite treat!

  2. i would freak out in this shop. jacques' the man, the chocolate man!

  3. i've made a trip to his place before! yum-o


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