Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coconut Macaroons: A Traditional Passover Dessert

Passover observance began last night at sundown.  During this time, certain ingredients are banned in food preparation.  Particular to the making of desserts is flour, leavening and alcohol (vanilla extract)  Coconut Macaroons are a traditional cookie because not only are they simple to prepare, they contain none of the banned ingredients.

Coconut Macaroons
1 cup granulated sugar
3 egg whites
3 cups unsweetened, shredded coconut
pinch of coarse salt
* 3/4 cup chopped almonds optional

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Line baking sheets with parchment paper or nonstick baking mat.

In a medium bowl, with electric mixer on high, beat egg whites into soft peaks. Gradually add sugar, beating after each addition until peaks are glossy. 
Fold in coconut and nuts. Using a 1 3/4" ice cream scoop, drop mound on to prepared cooking sheet.  If you don't have an ice cream scoop, wet your hands and form into 2 tablespoon mounds and drop onto sheet.  Bake until lightly brown on bottoms and edges, about 15-20 minutes.  Let cool 15 minutes on baking sheet and then remove sheets to counter to completely cool.
Makes about 24 cookies.  Will keep, covered, up to 1 week.

If you research coconut macaroon recipes, you may see a version that uses sweetened, condensed milk.  I tried the Ina Garten recipe.  The condensed milk adds many more calories but lends a much richer taste to the cookies. They are delicious and may stay fresher longer. For a Kosher meal that features meat, this cookie recipe would not be allowed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this looks irresistible! I have a certain love for macaroons, and for coconut too. I would be in heaven! Got to make some macaroons soon!


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