Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Color My World

I saw the Pantone Color app for iphone in the NYTimes Sunday and was about to download to my iphone when I saw the price was $9.99.  Now I'm not cheap and as hubby would say, "you can't buy a pizza for that".  BUT, exactly how often am I going to use this?

I did a little checking and realized that Benjamin Moore, my absolute favorite paint, has two apps for iphone.  

Benjamin Moore ProConnection app is designed for the paint contractor.  It features all the Benjamin Moore colors and paint collections so you can use it like a Pantone color palette with full screen swatches of color.  Using your iphone, you can take a photo of the room you want to paint, save it and and then list the the paint colors and formulas you are using and save them as favorites.  If you are remodeling, or doing a paint project, this would be idea as you will always have your color swatches with you when you shop for drapes, sheets, pillows or room accessories.

But why limit to home decor.  Use it to find the color of your new sweater, keep the swatch as a favorite and then you'll have it to compare to that scarf that you think would be a perfect compliment.

Do you ever see a great color and think, "I want that"!
With the Color Capture app you can use your iphone to  take a photo of that deeply desirable color and have the Benjamin Moore Color Capture app find the exact match from one of the more than 3,300 colors available.  When you find the match, you can then find complimentary or contrasting colors to go with your match.  I tried it and it works well and will a little practice I'll really get the hang of it.  You can click on the link above and view the video demonstration.  

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