Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gardening for "Green" Pleasure

I'm so excited to start planting a garden.  Today begins the sign-up for garden plots in my town.   Last year I snagged 2 plots and grew most of my lettuces and veggies for the entire summer.  I love watching the little seedling poke through the ground and mature into edible bounty.  

one of my plots last year
If you've never gardened before and want some ideas of what to do, click here for lots of helpful information from the Martha Stewart website.  

annuals on the railing and pots with herbs
If you don't have access to a traditional garden or raised bed, try container gardening with some colorful annuals or herbs. 

1 comment:

  1. Love all the flora on your friend just installed copper gutters on her deck railing...full of flowers and lovely! franki


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