Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today's my birthday!  I'll celebrate by taking two classes at the gym followed by lunch with my workout friends.  I'll get some cupcakes for dessert with hubby tonight.  
I'm really excited because Hubby got me a Kindle!  I'm always reading and this will be great because I won't have to pack an extra suitcase of books to take with me on trips.  I'm just beginning to explore all the wonderful things I can do with Kindle.  If you have one, share with me your favorite books or tricks.  I need to see if there is a travel guide for Australia because I'm going to Sydney and Melbourne in July!!!!  Can't wait.  

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a Happy Happy Birthday!!!
    yummmmm... cupcakes... *drool*


    no kindle for me.. i still kinda like the real books.. =)


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