Monday, May 24, 2010

Feels Like Summer

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  After a rainy start, our weekend could not have been nicer.  Hubby and I had our first al fresco dinner of the season Sunday evening.  I celebrated the sun and heat with my favorite summer drink, Campari and soda.  I love the bitter orange flavor.  Very refreshing.  
We planted Woolly Pockets on the deck.  See the April 14 post for a description of these pockets and vertical gardening.  These pockets contain my herb garden, all be it skimpy at best.  If all goes well, the "pockets" should disappear and be covered by robust, thriving herbs and the wall will give the impression of being made of plants.  I'll post photos from time to time.  

1 comment:

  1. I love your woolly pockets! Such a great idea! I have never seen those before


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