Monday, June 7, 2010

Leaving Paradise

I'm going to miss shopping for fish on the dock in my bathing suit and flip-flops...

...but it is time to leave paradise and check back into the real world.
Here's a recipe for an appetizer.  One restaurant calls it Nantua and another calls it White Caps.  No matter the name, this is a creamy, fish spread on toasted bread that is heated under the broiler for a quick melt before serving.  I used grouper.  Crab would be lovely or any moderately firm, white fish.  Yummy rich treat you can use with leftover fish.  

8-10 bread slices
2 Tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup minced or flaked cooked, crab meat, grouper or other moderately firm white fish
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon parsley, chopped
1 Tablespoon chives, chopped
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1-2 drops hot pepper sauce, or more to taste
season with salt and pepper
grated Parmesan cheese

Remove crusts from white bread (if desired).  Cut each slice into 4 squares.  Lightly brush 1 side with melted butter and toast in hot oven or under broiler, making sure not to burn!  Combine remaining ingredients except for parmesan cheese and spread on toasted bread slices.  Top with grated cheese and broil until cheese melts and is lightly browned.  Makes 16 squares.  

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