Friday, July 9, 2010

Shopping Sydney

Shopping in Sydney does not need to involve purchases.  It is fun to just stroll through the  glorious edifices.

The Victorian Strand Arcade

This colonnaded building on Martin Place used to house the General Post office but now accommodates high-end shopping and dining venues.

The Romanesque style Queen Victoria Building

It's not Target!  

Dome ceiling in the Queen Victoria Building

The Food Hall in the basement of David Jones department store is much like Harrods in London.  This is a great place to stop for lunch or pick up something for dinner.

Once in a while you've gotta stop for a coffee.  Max Brenner makes a great "cap" and lots of temping chocolate treats.  Click here for the Max Brenner locations in the US.

Many thanks to Amanda Lalique and Steve Braveman for their guest posts this week.
I'm off to Melbourne and I'll be back on Monday to share what I see.
Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That coffee looks so rich and creamy and delicious!!! Beautiful photo's!

    D E G A I N E


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