Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blogging Your Way: Online Class

This blog post is not about pears.  It is an example of my homework.  
I am taking an online class to hone my blogging skills, or as I am finding out, lack of skills.  Last week we learned about styling photos.  I set up a very basic photo studio and have practiced styling.  So rather than just snapping away, I set up vignettes and shoot about 25 photos and then edit them.  I think the images posted will determine wether or not readers will take the time to read the post.  So "stay tuned" and see if my images improve.  I'd love some feedback.  
If you are interested in the blogging class, click here for the website.  
Holly Becker is one of the instructors and her blog is decor8
The other instructor is Leslie of a creative mint 

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