Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day has passed and I need to acknowledge the fact that summer is more or less over.  Locally, school begins today.  

Late summer/early fall is the most wonderful time at the Farmers Market.  I made pesto, roasted tomatoes, peach chutney and other wonderful treats with the bounty at the market this past week.
Sure enjoyed container gardening and spending lots of time on the deck this summer. 

July brought a new addition to the family...Sydney, our Leader Dog puppy in training. 

The biggest highlight of the summer was my trip to Australia.

I allowed myself to relax and take time to enjoy summer in August.  Now it is time to get back to work.  The day after Labor Day feels like a new year and is a good time to set goals and get back into a routine.  I need to get back to my jewelry making as I'll have to deliver new merchandise for the holidays very soon.  I'm taking an online blogging class and I'm sure you'll hear more about that soon.  Got a few trips lined up too and I can't wait.  

Have a wonderful week, dear ones.  

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