Friday, November 5, 2010

Puffy French Toast

Weekend mornings are perfect for lounging a little longer in your bathrobe and lingering over that extra cup of coffee.  It is also the ideal time for some comfort food.  French toast is a favorite sweet breakfast treat.  
My grandmother handed down the recipe that includes flour and baking powder in the custard/batter.  
Use a plain sandwich bread or leftover brioche, challah, or french bread.  Give the slices a quick dip in the batter to coat and soak.
The batter will puff up when fried and make the exterior crispy while the interior will be soft and custard-like.  This recipe is simple and uses ingredients found in most kitchens.  Give it a try this weekend.  
French Toast                                                         
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk (skim, 2%, whole, whatever)
pinch salt
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
Method:  beat eggs and milk with a fork or whisk.  Add remaining ingredients and mix until incorporated but not fully smooth.  Dip bread into batter.  
Use a heavy saute or frying pan and add vegetable oil to about a 1/8 inch depth.  Heat  oil to medium high, not smoking, so that a dribble of batter sizzles in the pan.  Add bread to pan, not crowding and fry, turning once so that both sides are golden brown.  You may wish to drain on a paper towel.
Yield:  enough batter for about 6 slices of bread
Serve with maple syrup or your favorite topping.  

Have a comforting weekend.


  1. That looks so yummy. My mom made us something similar when we were kids.
    So bad that I can't eat white bread now :(

  2. Love it super yumm

    now following your blog to keep in touch!!

  3. This looks delicious! I love comfort foods so I will have to try this recipe very soon.


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