Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Random Acts of Culture: 650 Singers Break Into Hallelujah

Macy's department store in Philadelphia was the scene of the latest and biggest Random Act of Culture.  On October 30, 650 singers broke into song, singing the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's  Messiah.  The singers were accompanied by the world's largest pipe organ which is housed at the venerable, old store.  Watch the video and look at the faces of the people.

A friend told me about this event.  I hadn't heard of this songfest nor Random Acts of Culture.  Evidently the point of Random Acts of Culture is to make cultural events participatory and inclusive rather than a spectator event.  You can view the website that explains the premise here.

I wish I had been present for the singing.  I love "Hallelujah" and viewing this gave me chills.  AND I have very fond memories of the store (used to be John Wanamaker Department Store) and the organ.  I grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs.  At Christmas we would take the train to "Philly" and go to the store to see the light show accompanied by the organ.  It was magical for young and old alike.  

Totally switching subjects, I have jury duty today in downtown Detroit.  It's my first time on jury duty.  Reading through the list of things NOT to be taken into court, I had to make sure I did not have a curling iron, darts, or  bullets in my purse.  No alcohol allowed either.  Darn, no 10 am Bloody Mary. 

Tomorrow is Flavor of the Week.  See you then. 


  1. Maybe drink the bloody before you have to show up...might make the whole process a lot more interesting. Jury duty is the worst...bring a good book!

  2. Debbie thanks for sharing the Random Acts of Culture. Hearing that organ and hearing the singers brought tears to our eyes. Can't imagine what it was like in person.

  3. I, as well, grew up in the surburbs of Philly (NE High!!) Wannamakers and the eagle were the place to meet downtown. Does anyone remember the HUGE easter egg they used to make every year? I wish i could have been there for this singing, i love the Hallelujah chorus and sing it in our church choir. God bless everyone this Christmas season and throughout the rest of the year.


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