Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year and a New Begining

Holiday decorations are tucked away in boxes, the kitchen is purged of rich indulgences and memories are alive with photos of family and friends.  Time to carry through on those resolutions.  
I had to share this fun gift I received.  It's a revolving fountain and "light show" for our Bahamas pool.  I dropped lots of not-so-subtle hints that I really wanted it.  It doesn't look like much during the daylight but is lots of fun at night.
So now instead of this...
...I'm seeing this. 
 Actually the photo is deceiving because it is quite gray here.  Well, no worries, fewer distractions so that I'll get busy in the jewelry studio and come up with some new designs for Valentine's Day.  I'll have more time for the gym too.  Look for some new recipes in the next few days and the return of Flavor of the Week.  

Thanks for following Spiral Style.  I'm looking forward to 2011.  I love to read any and all comments.  It really helps me know what is working.  Have you made any resolutions?  What are you looking forward to in 2011?


  1. cheers from canada. im from ontario just across the lake from michigan but currently living in prince edward island. yes, its really snowy here too!
    i like your driftwood greeting in your last post.
    happy new year

  2. Hi Laura, Thanks for leaving a message. Keep warm. Thanks for visiting Spiral Style

  3. I have always wanted to go to the Bahamas it looks so tranquil. Hope you have a fantastic New Year :)


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