Monday, January 31, 2011

Productive Weekend

My weekend got off to a great start with an impromptu dinner with friends.  Rather than going out to dinner, I put together a light meal with on-hand ingredients.  Shrimp chowder, fennel/orange/onion salad and then topped it off with a chocolate cake.  Our guests brought a bottle of Veuve which is a great way to start a weekend.  

Table set with a blue theme.

I've been wanting to try making English Muffin bread for quite a while and I got around to doing so on Saturday.  Couldn't be easier.  It's made in a mixer.  No hand kneading or proofing yeast.  It rises in the same pan in which it is baked.  I got the recipe from the King Arthur Flour Company website.  If you've never worked with yeast, this recipe would be a good start.

The English Muffin bread makes wonderful toast.  I served it with egg cups, a recipe from The Lifestyle Maven.

Never did make it to see The King's Speech.  I seemed to be busy the whole weekend.  

What was the highlight of your weekend?


  1. Mmmm, those egg cups look great! Can't wait to try them. :)

  2. Love the table, the blue is lovely. I may have to have breakfast for dinner after reading this though :)

  3. Deb,
    Would Canadian bacon work or is it too thick?

  4. If it isn't too thick. A nice smoky ham, sliced thin from the deli works great.

  5. These are great. Made them tonight for dinner. This recipe is a keeper. My family is not too fond of runny yolks so I beat the eggs before adding. They were light, and fluffy.


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