Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend

I am not a football fan but I'll watch the Super Bowl for the great commercials, and of course the food.  I haven't decided what food I'll make but it won't be too elaborate or decadent.  

You could build this "snack food stadium"!  Click here for the tutorial.

Some Super Bowl Food Faqs
  • Only Thanksgiving is a bigger day for food consumption
  • About 70 million pound of avacadoes will be eaten, mostly in the form of guacamole
  • Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day for winter grilling
  • pizza is the most popular takeout food followed by chicken wings and sandwiches
  • the average Super Bowl watcher will take in 1,200 calories
  • 7-Eleven notices a 20% increase in the purchase of antacids the day after the game
Good luck Steelers and Packers.
See you on Monday

1 comment:

  1. hahaha that's impressive. so are those twinkies or mozzarella sticks? lol


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