Friday, March 4, 2011

Ready for "le week-end"

I'm ready for the weekend.  There is still snow on the ground and plenty of nasty weather in store.  I have been doing some knitting.

I finished this scarf last weekend and I've been wearing it this week while walking the dog, going to the gym and just running errands.  It is nice and warm.
I like the idea of "hand work" as my grandmother used to call knitting, crochet, embroidery.  A scarf is so easy to pick up whenever you have a minute.  Not an involved pattern as for a sweater. 
I like this stitch.  It has a textured ribbed effect.  
Yarn is on sale right now so stock up if you knit and begin a project.  

I don't have big weekend plans.  How about you?
See  you Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Those are so pretty. I have tried to crochet and can get about two rows before it turns into a big ol mess.


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