Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thai Shrimp-Halibut Curry

Yesterday I picked up the April issue of bon appetit to look for some inspiration for "meatless Monday".  I was thinking vegetarian but saw a photo of a curry and knew I had to try it.  

This meal can be assembled quickly and cooking time is minimal.  The recipe states 50 minutes prep time but I think 30 minutes is more accurate.  The red curry paste gives spiciness and some heat while the fish sauce, coconut milk, ginger and lime round out the curry flavor.  Chopped basil and cilantro, typical Thai herbs, added at the end of the cooking time, lend a fresh note to the dish.  The recipe calls for shrimp and halibut but could be made with just one or the other seafood.  I added some blanched green beans for additional vegetable interest.  

This bon appetit recipe receives  a "four fork" review from me.  I will absolutely make this again.  It is quick, nutritious, and delicious.  I'd serve it to guests.  Make sure to have plenty of steamed rice and serve in a bowl with spoons to take advantage of all the wonderful sauce.  Sliced oranges or fresh pineapple chunks would be a nice, light accompaniment.  Click here to view the recipe.

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