Monday, June 20, 2011

Eclectic Antique Finds

This is the purchase that got the day off to a great start!

I'd hate to be snorkeling and come upon this blowfish.  We couldn't pass up this "preserved" specimen for our Bahamas house.

Next we spotted this boat compass.  

It fits right in with the beach theme decor on the coffee table.

Somewhat related to the compass is this old, iron armillary.  I wanted to find one to display near the large wall map.
Hubby has been searching for a place to store his fly tying gear for years.  This old card catalog will be perfect.
This one will take some imagination.  I've been looking for years for a bar cart or butler's tray for the dining room.  The plan is to use it as a bar or for serving during a dinner party or a place for used dished during a cocktail party.  This stand is the correct height and I like the rustic look.  It has history.  I've ordered a large tray for the top.  I'll replace the straps with leather for a richer look.

Here's my selection for meatless Monday.
This is my reinvention of a salad I had at the gym cafe.
The basis for the salad is a can of beans, in this case, garbanzo beans.  I added chopped spinach and cilantro, sun dried tomatoes, diced onion, olive oil salt and pepper.  A liberal dose of fresh lemon and lime juice brightened the salad and feta cheese added a salty flavor along with protein.  I think this would be a nice summer salad with open face egg salad, arugula, and tomato sandwiches. 

1 comment:

  1. Great finds, that card catalog is Amaaaazing! Can't wait to see how your butler's tray comes out as well :)


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