Friday, August 5, 2011

Have a Relaxing Weekend

When August arrives, I remind myself that summer will be coming to a close too soon and it will be time to take out the boots and scarves before I am ready.  So I vow to take time to enjoy the sun and heat and relax.  I give myself permission to ease up and enjoy the activities, colors and flavors of summer.

photo credit: Luca Trovato   House Beautiful
How inviting does this scene look?

I think grilled pizza, al fresco will be in order.

No sleeping-in with puppy Libby ready for action.

Savor and enjoy.  See you Monday.


  1. Ahh yes August reminds me that summer is coming to an end too..but I am actually really ready for it to cool down! And wear a few scarves :)

  2. Just found your blog, and I love your style! But please, please, please, don't say that summer is coming to an end. Here, in Vancouver BC, we've just had our first real week of summer weather! (And today looks cooler and windy, with grey skies).

    Thanks for your lovely insights - and I really, really want to buy the wardrobe from your previous post.


  3. Hi Carol. Welcome to Spiral Style. Thanks for your kind words. Hope you keep on coming back. AND I wish you some wonderful warm sunny days. I love Vancouver, BC but haven't been there in a long time. I used to live in Seattle.
    Have a great weekend. XXOO


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