Friday, August 26, 2011

Tranquil Weekend

I'm looking forward to the weekend and some time to relax.  I love this tranquil beach on Elbow Cay.  Just looking at this photo makes me feel calm.  BUT, it was anything but calm on this beach yesterday.  Hurricane Irene made a direct hit on Elbow Cay, one of the islands in the Bahama chain.  Their power is interrupted so I have no idea of the damage done by the hurricane.  

I hope your weekend is less dramatic than a hurricane but for those of you anticipating Irene on the east coast, be safe.  See you on Monday.  


  1. Greetings!

    I have seen the postcard you sent to one of the postcrossing member, I have been wishing to have a postcard from Bahamas, I do hope we can able to exchange postcards.

    Do visit my site if you have time;

  2. I hope your home and property didn't suffer any damage. I believe our Abacos dodged a bullet with Irene and she wasn't nearly as bad as Floyd. The ocean breeched again near White Sound and the road is very bad down that way. I read the HTFR site every time they updated. It was really helpful and they did a great job of reporting about Elbow Cay.

  3. I wish I could relax in my weekends too!

  4. I hope everything is ok with your house. I know how much you have going on so hopefully you got a little bit of downtime this weekend :)


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