Thursday, September 1, 2011

Guest Blogger Angela: Fall Color Inspiration

I'm real happy to have Angela back with a guest post for Spiral Style.  Angela's authors the blog, 365 small details.  Angela has a passion for color and design and combines the two for our inspiration.  Enjoy!

Image sources 1 and 2

"Hello again Spiral Style readers, hope you have all had a wonderful summer!! Fall is my favorite time of year filled with scarves and boots, warm apple cider, and of course gorgeous colors at every turn. I wanted to share this lovely pairing with you to get you all revved up for the season. I think this is a lovely example of how to combine warm oranges with navy and greens. So tell me what are your favorite colors for the season?

Till next time - Angela"

1 comment:

  1. totally love that skirt lovely color!!


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