Friday, September 16, 2011

Things That Made Me Smile This Week

This week was spent connecting with friends and accomplishing tasks and errands that needed to be done but certainly weren't exciting or glamorous.  A few unexpected things happened along the way to make me smile.

I found these lovely antique glasses at a new shop.  The price was literally less than glasses at Ikea!  Hard to tell in the photo but they are a lovely amber color with a gold rim.

I spotted this rainbow on Sunday while walking the puppy.  Can you see that it is a double rainbow?

Who knew that the Missoni for Target opening would close on the same day?  I got a sweater, candle, tie and bowl.  They never did have the stacking cups I wanted.  Was there anything left at your Target?

It has gotten so cool here in Michigan and frost is predicted to Friday morning.  I hope my garden is not destroyed.  It does feel good to wear sweaters and scarves again and sleep with the window open and the comforter pulled up to my chin.  

The antique market is in Ann Arbor this weekend.  Hubby and I will try to avoid U of M football traffic and make it to the market.  

I hope you have a lovely weekend filled with things you love to do and shared with those you love.  See you on Monday.


  1. Didn't get to check out Missoni until Weds - all womens, mens & home were sold out... but thankfully I have a little girl to shop for!! Scored some adorable rain boots and mittens & hat that will fit her in a year or so. Also got some girls' leggings in an XL for me. [Thankfully, they work!] AND - put a call into a friend in NC who got some of the colorful melamine plates for me. Not bad at all - but would have LOVED that long chevron cardi or a shift....

  2. Love the rainbow pic,

    I really find it inspiring ♥


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