Monday, October 3, 2011

October Already!

Happy Monday, dear Spiral Style readers.
I hope you had a lovely weekend.  Can you believe it is October already?  This weekend felt like autumn with vivid blue skies and a crisp, chill in the air.  Some of the leaves are beginning to change color.  I made a collection while walking the puppy in a county park.  

Autumn collection

Hubby and I took advantage of Detroit restaurant week and tried a new restaurant with friends.    I took this photo of my short ribs with my iphone.  Not a great photo but the food was good at Atlas Global Bistro.  It was the first time I ate pork belly.  Yum! 

Sunday evening was spent at the home of dear friends.  So I had a little break from cooking except for homemade applesauce from Farmers Market apples.  I did find the need to bake so I tried the Walnut Apricot Harvest Loaf from Sweet Paul, the online magazine.   

This loaf is hearty with whole wheat goodness, sweet with dried apricots and studded with chopped walnuts.  Great for lunch boxes and coffee breaks.  

Have a wonderful start to your week.  

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