Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Non-guilty Pleasure

I just became aware of this awesome tea from Trader Joe's, Candy Cane Green Tea 

I'm a coffee drinker in the morning, often with an added shot of espresso, but in the evenings I like hot tea.  Candy Cane Green Tea is a seasonal tea from Trader Joe's.  It evokes the taste of candy canes with peppermint and a touch of vanilla and cinnamon along with some other flavors.  The overall taste is very subtle and just a bit sweet.  I'm a bit hooked on the stuff and bought several boxes.  When the holidays are over, the tea will disappear until next November.  Oh, and that is one of my new Target napkins in the red with white snowflake design.   


  1. Oh I wish we have Trader Joe's here...

    I love tea in the evening too

    they make me feel I've digested my supper well

    after a cup. And I love all the flavors you were

    saying that are in that tea... oh peppermint

    and cinnamon and vanilla and candy canes...

    they're just perfect for the holidays!

  2. Mmmmmm, Candy Cane tea, sounds super good! So bad I can`t buy it here in Spain.

  3. I'm literally drinking that now! I'm serious!! I love the way it smells and it makes me feel better when I have a cold.


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