Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Book: An Object of Beauty

Maybe you received a Kindle or ipad for Christmas or an Amazon gift card.  Now that the holidays are over you will probably have more time to read.  I have a book to suggest.
Amazon.com  from $10.19
I just finished this novel by Steve Martin.  It is grown-up and sophisticated "chick lit" but a very worthy read. It tells the story of a young woman's relationships, career and how she manipulates people and situations for her personal gain.  The result of  her unsavory dealings catches up with her later on and alters her future and the reputation of her good friend, the narrator of the story.  The setting is the art world of New York City: art, artists, galleries and the business of buying and selling art.  

Here is a review from the NY Times.
At the center of this novel is Lacey Yaeger, a fabulously callous, uninhibited heroine.  As she ascends the heights of the Manhattan art world, in the 1990's, her ultimate goal is not marriage but a gallery in Chelsea.  "An Object of Beauty" includes reproductions and engaging commentary on de Kooning, Warhol and others.  NY Times Book Review, December 25, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. is it by THE steve martin? i know he's a writer, but hadn't heard about this book. i'll check it out.


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