Friday, January 20, 2012

Have a Sweet Weekend

I'm trying to eat a bit lighter after the holidays but on the weekend I like a sweet treat.  

I saw these Nutella Meringues on Pinterest and thought they looked delicious.  Just 1/4 cup of yummy Nutella flavors the crunchy meringues.  The recipe is from the blog, Cream Puffs in Venice and it was posted on World Nutella Day, which is February 5.  Yesterday I posted that Feb 5 is the opening of the Jason Wu for Target collection.  Looks like that will be a very full day, shopping and eating Nutella!

Have a wonderful, sweet weekend and see you on Monday.


  1. Lovely post! Yum.

    Shall we follow each other?


  2. Aren't those lovely. I'm trying to eat healthy too and staying away from the Nutella. Mind you, I said trying....


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