Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Living With Books

Even though so much reading material is available in digital form, I still like books.  I don't like to part with a book I really enjoyed as it becomes like an old friend.  Books give a home a cozy, personal, lived-in feel.  Here are some images for inspiration to decorate with your book collection.

photo ElleDecor

photo Eriin

photo House Beautiful

photo House Beautiful

photo House Beautiful

photo ApartmentTherapy

photo French By Design

photo loving living small

photo House Beautiful


  1. I am with you, totally! I LOVE books and can't imagine going totally digital. While I typically buy most of the books I read, I also love the *smell* of library books (weird?)

    Awesome book storage inspiration ... how cool would it be to have a bookshelf under your stairs!?!!?

  2. I also like books and I have a small bookshelf in my room!


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