Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Inspiration

Happy Monday!
Did your team win?  What was your favorite commercial?  Favorite junk food?

I wanted to share this lovely image.
Y is for Yellow Julee Dyer  warmhotchocolate
This photo is by a fellow "classmate" in an online photo class I'm a part of.  I thought you'd enjoy this charming photo on a Monday.  Hope it makes you smile.  

Click here to view my guest post at ElleSees from Saturday.  Hint, it was about scarves.


  1. Actually, I am eating lots of oranges today.
    I'm staying home... sick but feeling recovery is in the corner already.

  2. Watched until after the fab halftime show then switched over to Downton Abbey. Off to see your guest post.

    Sorry to be so remiss in commenting!

    Art by Karena


Thanks for your comments. I love to hear from readers of Spiral Style