Thursday, February 9, 2012

Scanner App Worth the $2

For the price of sending one fax from your local copy store, you can download this app and scan and fax to your heart's content.
Hubby read about this app in the NY Times  and sent me a link to download the app.  I gave it a try and it is a cinch to use.  The app prompts you to take 3 photos of the document you wish to "scan".  You are then able to center the document and play around with the darkness.  You can create a pdf or jpeg, and then fax, email, print or store your image.  

This would be a fabulous tool for a business person traveling to keep track of expenses.  I may be able to get rid of my lousy fax machine that drives me crazy.  For $2, give it a try.  I think you'll like it.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey:), It seems to be great scanner app. I am looking for such kind of app from last 1 month. I will certainly try it and hope that it would work great for me as well..


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