Friday, March 2, 2012

Welcome Weekend and Souvenir Foto School

First Friday of March
I love being able to say it's March...sounds like spring is on the way.  I like the sound of Friday too.  I don't have any big plans for the weekend but a change of weekday pace will be welcome.  How about you?  Plans?  

Earlier in the month I mentioned that I was taking an online photography class.  Class is over and it was a fantastic learning experience.  I learned a lot about composition, lighting and editing and became aware of quite a few apps for editing and effects.  I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos.  Each photo represents a letter of the alphabet.

V for Volume
This was my last photo using egg whites to illustrate volume.

Z for Zucchini

M for Multiples
taken with iphone

S for Spoons

G for Grapefruit

T for tracks
taken with iphone

Thanks for letting me share.  Have a great weekend.

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