Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day That Felt Like Labor Day

It wasn't cool weather that made it feel like Labor Day, it was laboring and organizing that made our weekend work.  Hubby was on call so that meant we were at home all weekend.  

We decided to refinish the outdoor furniture, not because it is great stuff but because it stores so well.  The chairs form one nice stack in the basement and the table folds and fits against a wall in the garage during the winter.  So we sanded, stained and sealed and - 

-voila!  Almost good as new!  

I do like my little bistro set but it isn't really big enough for two people.  I had Sunday breakfast al fresco while hubby made rounds.

I got ambitious and went through some boxes in the storage room.  The result is trash, Craigslist and Purple Heart donations.  Feels good to purge and free up some space.  

The deck plants are looking really healthy despite 90 degree temperatures. 
Did you do projects or plant over the weekend?  Do you eat outside several times a week? 

Have a good week.  

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