Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natural "Beachy" Decor

Although I am landlocked, in the (almost) middle of the continental United States, I still like to imagine being on a beach.  In summer, I use my collections of beach treasures from my Bahamas home to get that beachy feel in Michigan.  I found some inspiring ideas to share.

I love the idea of beach grass in a glass vessel with sand and shells.  Makes it feel like a terrarium.

Sand, shells and woven mats.

Larges sea sponges on the wall for texture along with other nautical inspiration.  Love that huge shell for a basin.

Collections of shells looking so effortless.

Some sea sponges I collected in a glass cylinder next to the tub. 

A few beach treasures on a silver platter.

What's your summer decor theme?


  1. Even in Michigan,
    that looks real beachy to me.
    Nice job.

  2. I like these nautical textures. I am putting a lot of bright colors out on the back deck this year.


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