Friday, July 20, 2012

Weekend Libation

I am usually a wine drinker.  I don't care for beer at all.  However, in the summer, sometimes a cocktail is very appealing.  The NY Times published an article with summer drinks and there is an interactive component that allows you to choose your favorite drink ingredients and they will supply a recipe for a cocktail.

I started with Campari, then selected gin and added cointreau.  The result was Jasmine.
This drink had a very nice orange flavor that wasn't too sweet and very refreshing for a hot evening.  

Click here to give the interactive generator a try.  You may come up with a Negroni, a Hemingway daiquiri, or an Enchantress.  Have fun and happy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous post, love! I hope you have an amazing weekend. xo


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