Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Bounty

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a beautiful weekend.

Our daughter, son-in-law, and their dog, Dempsey, spent a few days with us while on their way to relocating in Philadelphia.  It was too hot to be outside, other than for a swim so we were "forced" to relax inside, watch the Olympics, chat and eat.

They both love to cook and helped prepare meals with bounty from the garden and farmers market.  Our daughter composed beautiful Caprese salad plates.

Her husband whipped a delicious peach salsa to accompany pork tenderloin.  

                                   photo by Romulo Yanes
We made an outstanding salted caramel ice cream from this recipe.  It was a perfect balance of sweet and salty and remarkably rich and smooth.


  1. Yum!
    The salad looks so good,
    so healthy and fresh... just what I need.
    I love a peach salsa.

  2. It all looks scrumptious! Best of luck to the Philly-bound!


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