Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Rain

Ah!!!  Summer Rain
We had much needed rain today.  The kind that really soaks the ground, not just settles the dust.  

I vaguely remembered some songs with summer rain in the title.  I went to the iTunes store and entered "summer rain" for a search.  No less than 20 different songs popped up with Summer Rain as the title.  My favorite Summer Rain song is by Johnny Rivers.  You can click here to listen to the song.

I used an old, ratty, falling apart umbrella today. I think it is time to splurge on a new one, one with some color.  Any one of these would do nicely.
Stylish Umbrellas

Enjoy your weekend...rain or shine!


  1. We've been having some good rains here too and they are very welcome in gardens around town.

    What lovely umbrellas. Johnny Rivers brings back great memories of good times.

  2. i just counted and i own 7 umbrellas...eep!
    i gotta have the auto open and close kind

  3. We've had a week of typhoon and heavy rains,
    so glad to finally see the sun shine yesterday.
    Have a nice weekend.


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