Monday, October 15, 2012

Meatless Monday

Happy Monday  

I haven't posted a Meatless Monday meal in quite a while. 
I love salmon and it can't be beat for nutrition, taste and prep speed.

I put together a spicy-sweet rub for the salmon and a sour cream based sauce that hubby LOVED.  So I thought I'd pass it along and you can tailor it to your taste.  

In a small bowl, mix equal portions of brown sugar, chili powder, cumin (I used 1 tablespoon  each) with about 1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt.  This would be enough for at least 1 lb salmon.  A pinch of cayenne would add a bit more heat.

Pat or rub the mixture onto the salmon.  I used two 6 oz pieces of fish.  Choose your cooking method: grill, broil, saute or roast.

I had a little bit of sour cream, two green onion stems, the last of the cilantro from the garden and limes.  Slice the green onion, chop the cilantro juice half of a lime. 

I combined them all for a really yummy sauce that was a nice contrast to the sweet-spicy salmon rub.  Of course you could use red onion, lemon juice and parsley or chives or what ever you wish and have on hand. 

This meal came together in about 20 minutes.
This could certainly work for other fish varieties.  What's your favorite fish.

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