Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Party

Last night we hosted our annual holiday party for about 45 guests.  Hubby and I made all the food...a few old time favorites and a few new recipes.
This is the dining room table with about 3/4 of the food.  I never get a chance to take all the photos I want as I'm busy up to the last minute.

This is a recipe I've made before and it is a winner.  Couldn't be more simple. 
Just cut salmon into 3/4" cubes and mix with some olive oil.  Dip one side of the cube into a mixture of white and black sesame seeds.  Fill a foil lined baking sheet with the salmon and bake at 400 degrees F for 6 minutes. 
 Seve with an orange-miso dipping sauce.  Done! 
Click here for recipe.

A new try this time was a baked Camembert.
 The cheese was baked in the box it came in but with foil lining the box.
Garlic slices were inserted into the cheese and then the top was sprinkled with thyme leaves and a tablespoon of maple syrup.  The cheese was served with bread and cornichons.  I used a slate for presentation. 

Party over for another year.  


  1. You did it again! Everything was scrumptious!I think I ate a half dozen of the salmon on bread (toast?)! Thanks for the wonderful party and Merry Christmas to all!

    1. Thanks. I had a great time getting ready and then seeing everyone. Some good leftovers for dinner tonight!!
      Merry Christmas.

  2. it looks great. I'm the same way when it comes to taking pictures before party; I always forget

  3. EVERYTHING looks gorgeous!! wish we could've been there. maybe a trek to canton next december is in order! merry, merry, merry!!


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