Friday, December 7, 2012

How are you doing with holiday preparations?  Hopefully you aren't too frazzled and can savor the beauty and joy of the season.

My house is decorate and most of the gifts have been purchased and mailed.  In the past few years I've eliminated the task of Christmas cards and have started the tradition of emailed New Year greetings.  My big Christmas party is next weekend.  I've got it all planned so I can relax a bit this weekend.
Hubby and I have been listening to Christmas music during dinner prep and meal.  My all time favorite is this Mariah CD.  The arrangements are really fun and showcase her amazing voice.  I love to listen to this when I'm driving.  Keeps me from road rage in crowded shopping mall parking lots.  
Do you have a favorite Christmas CD?  I'm open to new suggestions.

Have a splendid weekend.  See you on Monday


  1. Oh I am so behind the Christmas decorating this year, just put up the lanterns and Christmas lights the other day and today I'm definitely putting up our tree. Although the Santas and other decos have been out since Dec1.

    1. Put on some music and enjoy decorating Ann. Merry Christmas!


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