Thursday, December 27, 2012

Leaving Paris

Time to say goodbye to Christmas in Paris.  I had a lovely time with family and exploring one of my favorite cities.
We had a lovely apartment, built before the French revolution but totally refurbished within the last 7 years.
Food shopped for Christmas dinner at Marché des Enfants Rouges.
A few items packed in my suitcase made a festive holiday table.
Candlelight service on Christmas Eve at the American Church in Paris.
Ice skaters Christmas Day in front of the Hôtel de Ville, Paris.
Experienced the Marché de Noel (Christmas Market)

It was a week of celebrating, walking, exploring, eating, memories and fun.

Until next time...

...have a wonderful weekend.


  1. OMG!! your christmas table looks gorgeous! the apartment is beautiful. it's what an apartment in paris should look like.:) thanks for sharing your amazing christmas in paris. safe travels home.....

  2. Sorry to not comment on this post sooner. Your Paris pics are perfect! (How's that for alliteration?)I love your festive holiday table. Sounds like you had a lovely trip to France. Happy New Year to you and yours!


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