Thursday, January 3, 2013

Food Trends: 2013

According to some prognosticators, popcorn is the snack of the year.

and cupcakes are old news.

Oodles of Noodles
Look for udon, soba, cellophane and rice noodles in bowls of hearty soups.  These Asian noodle soups are predicted to be very popular in 2013 
Sounds like wonderful winter comfort food to me.
Baobab, a fruit from Africa, may become the new superfruit, loaded with vitamin C, calcium and fiber as well as other vitamins and minerals.  This You can click here to see how to use the fruit in recipes.
Greek yogurt remains popular and will find its way into dressings, dips, sauces and cheesecakes.
Cured meats
Look for new varieties of salumi and charcuterie.
Winter vegetables served raw rather than roasted or gratins.  Kale and brussels sprouts have become very popular as raw salads.
As beef has become more expensive, luxurious chicken preparations will abound.
Bored chefs are moving vegetables to the center of the plate rather than to the side.  These meatless entrees will delight vegetarians.
Look for the humble sunchoke (root of a sunflower) appearing in many forms more frequently on restaurant menus. 

Trends that persist are farm-to-table and nose-to-tail.

Information gathered from articles in the Chicago Tribune and the NY Times and Huffington Post.

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