Saturday, July 11, 2009

Etsy Find for Hostess Gifts

BLUEBERRY SMASH cocktail inspired GIFT BASKET with soap and coaster

The Keepershouse is an Etsy shop of hand crafted textile art baskets and things to go in them. There is a line of baskets inspired by cocktails as well as many other baskets and trays and bags. The "things that go in them" are candles, soaps, ornaments etc.
I bought several items to be shipped to NJ where I will be visiting family later this week. Now I'll have hostess gifts that I don't have to schlep on the plane with me. I can't wait to see them when I arrive at my sister's house. I may have to order more for me to be waiting when I arrive home next week.


  1. Oh this is cool Deborah, nice find! You and I have very similar tastes. What a nice idea for a hostess gift. I'll have to check out The Keepershouse...

    Have a safe and fun trip to NJ this week!

    (psst...thank you so much for my earrings, I just paid for them, but don't worry about shipping them until you get back from your trip ok? you must be so busy!)

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I got your order and payment. Thanks so much. I hope to mail before I leave at noon on Wednesday.
    Have a great day.
    I'm sure you are busy with the photos on Flickr.

  3. You are welcome Deborah! I can't wait! But I know how busy you are, so no need to worry about rushing them off if you haven't the time. I'm leaving next Monday the 20th for Minnesota again, and won't be back until Wednesday the 22nd. So if you need to wait until late next week, that's fine too. That way they won't sit outside in my mailbox while I'm gone.

    I hope you have a fantastic and fun trip. Travel safe tomorrow ok?

    Oh! Made another batch of those cookies you showed us here while my computer was down yesterday. I LOVE them! Had to hide half of them from hubby so he didn't take them all to his office.


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