Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ann Arbor Art Center Featured Artist Gallery Shop

I am very honored to be the featured artist of the month at the Ann Arbor Art Center Gallery Shop
I took my first jewelry class at the Art Center when I moved to Michigan about 18 years ago. I went on to get a BFA from Eastern Michigan University and then returned to the Art Center as a jewelry instructor. The Gallery Shop has been representing my work for about 10 years.

(click on the photo to enlarge)
Featured Artist: Deborah Flanagan

Discover the beautiful jewelry designs of Deborah Flanagan in the Gallery Shop. Her medium of choice is metal which she "coaxes into delicate pieces for adornment."

"My designs are meant to be worn and only then are they complete". Deborah's designs will be featured in the Gallery Shop throughout the month of September.


  1. Oh this is so nice!! Congratulations!! You are so incredibly talented. This is so exciting! I wish I lived closer so I could visit the Art Center. It sounds like my kind of place. (p.s., i can't enlarge the photo :( )


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